Milinda Ysasi Swearing In Ceremony
Join Milinda on Tuesday, December 17th at 6 pm for her swearing in. There will be a short reception following the swearing in and before the City Commission meeting at 7:00 pm.
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Join Milinda on Tuesday, December 17th at 6 pm for her swearing in. There will be a short reception following the swearing in and before the City Commission meeting at 7:00 pm.
Please join Indivisible Grand Rapids who will host a candidate forum for the City of Grand Rapids Commissioners in Wards 1 and 2. Once the candidate forum concludes, Indivisible Grand Rapids be sharing its vision for the 2020 election cycle.
Milinda needs your help to win in November! She earned a spot in the November election and received the most votes in the August primary. A generous contribution has been made to the campaign and we want to match that amount with this fall fundraiser. We will announce the generous donor at the fall fundraiser!
Suggested contribution is $25-50. Can't make it? You can give online at https://www.electmilinda.com/contribute
Host committee is still forming, email electmilinda@gmail.com to be a host with a $50 contribution.
Be sure to visit electmilinda.com for other ways to volunteer and contribute to our campaign.
Will you join the #YsasiPosse to elect Milinda Ysasi as our next GR 2nd Ward City Commissioner?
#reliable #responsive and #ready to serve
Meet Milinda at Creston Brewery - 1504 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. Come share your thoughts about the 2nd Ward.
Meet Milinda at Cheshire Kitchen - 2162 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. Come share your thoughts about the 2nd Ward.
Meet Milinda at The Early Bird - 1445 Lake Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506. Come share your thoughts about the 2nd Ward.
Meet Milinda at the Yankee Clipper Library - 2025 Leonard St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. Come share your thoughts about the 2nd Ward.
Join us on Thursday, July 25 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the Latino Community Coalition Annual Forum featuring Milinda Ysasi and other candidates for City Commission.
For more information, please visit the LCC Facebook Page.
Join us on Wednesday, July 17 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at LINCUP, for a community Q&A hosted by Equity PAC featuring Grand Rapids 2nd Ward Commissioner Candidate, Milinda Ysasi and others.
For more information, please visit the Equity PAC Facebook Page.
Join us on Thursday, July 11 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Grand Rapids Public Library as GR Homes for All hosts a City Commission Candidate Forum featuring Milinda Ysasi and others.
For more information, please visit the GR Homes for All Facebook Page.
Join us for a fundraising event for Milinda Ysasi, candidate for Grand Rapids 2nd Ward City Commission. Milinda has an extensive track record of public service to the City of Grand Rapids and a passion for making our community a place where all neighborhoods and residents can thrive.
We invite you to the home of Mary Kenyon and Don Smalligan (223 Morris Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503), on Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. with remarks at 6:00 p.m.
Our hosts, along with 2nd Ward City Commissioner Ruth Kelly and many others, invite you to join us in supporting her campaign with a financial contribution (suggested donation $100).
Kindly RSVP on Eventbrite by Friday, July 5th or sign up on our Facebook Page.
If you’re unable to attend, please consider supporting Milinda with a financial contribution at electmilinda.com/donate.
Lastly, please help us spread the word and share this invite with your Grand Rapids network. Be sure to like our page to stay up to date with events, news and volunteer opportunities.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, July 11th!
Join the #YsasiPosse at the 85th Annual Hollyhock Parade! Walk with us as we greet neighbors and pass out goodies! Please remember to bring your #YsasiPosse shirt and comfortable walking shoes. All are welcome! Click here to sign up or check out Facebook Page!
If you have any questions, please email us at electmilinda@gmail.com.